Photo Converted to Wall Mural Graphics for a Biking Expedition company, California Expeditions

Last Updated 12/4/2019

Wall Mural on Wall of Biking Shop

First Choice Signs is proud to support California Expeditions in Georgetown, Calif. for the past 2 years.  We took one of the owners (Thomas McGrady's) biking photos and turned it into a wall mural for his biking shop.  

Transforming a white wall into a colorful Wall Mural using a colorful photo!

Do you want to take a photo and transform it into a wall mural that captures the essence of your business?  Take a look at the first thing customer's see when they walk into California Expeditions Bike shop.  This is a photo of Thomas riding at sunset with the Milky Way in the background.  Check out Thomas's Facebook page. 

Visual marketing can make a difference!

Call us for a consultation to learn how we can help you bring your business to life via visual tools used at the right time and in the right place.  Here is Thomas before the wall mural was installed. 
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